
Remote Controlled Chess Boards

Play real chess pieces with your distant friends - on a real chess board

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With our Remote Controlled Chess Boards, you will be able to play (and see) real chess pieces on a real chess board, over the internet.

Our board game solution will bring game board players together online - over a real chess board.

With a real 'player's eye view', you enter the 'move' co-ordinates and watch your pieces move along the board. Your opponent will also have a view on the board from their side.  Take a look at a prototype user interface in the screenshot below.

To find out more about our launch product, sign up to receive our launch updates, using the form below and take a look at the

Also visit our crowdfunding page on Indigogo.

Chess board

There will be numerous chess games on our boards, from the classic 8x8 square grid, to all kinds of chess variants.

One of the games on our remote chess boards will be 'One-in-the-Middle', a 3-player chess game with one player located in the middle, between the other two players.

Stay connected with us, so you can play real board games from wherever you are.

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